
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) has determined that as many as six regencies in two Indonesian provinces have been infected with an outbreak of mouth and nail disease (PMK) in livestock.

"The Ministry of Agriculture has determined that two areas have been hit by outbreaks of mouth and nail disease in animals, the two areas are Aceh Province, two districts, and four districts in East Java," said Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo at a press conference at the Jakarta Agriculture Ministry office. Between, Wednesday, May 11th.

Two districts were hit by the FMD outbreak in Aceh, namely Aceh Tamiang District and East Aceh District. Meanwhile, four districts in East Java are Gresik, Sidoarjo, Lamongan, and Mojokerto.

Data from the Ministry of Agriculture stated that the number of cases of livestock infected with FMD in East Java was 3,205 heads with the death case reaching 1.5 percent. Meanwhile, positive cases of PMK in Aceh were 2,226 with 1 death.

Mouth and hoof disease in these animals infects livestock with split hooves such as cattle, goats, sheep, and pigs. Transmission of this disease occurs through viruses that spread through the air or airborne or direct contact.

Minister of Agriculture Syahrul emphasized that the mouth and nail disease in livestock is not contagious to humans, but only to fellow farm animals.

The Minister of Agriculture said that the Ministry of Agriculture together with the local government had intervened by controlling so that the virus did not mutate.

The Ministry of Agriculture together with local governments at the provincial, district and city levels have formed a task force for controlling foot and mouth disease.

The Minister of Agriculture explained that the government took three anticipatory steps, namely emergency measures by directly intervening through localization of the outbreak so that it does not spread further, and also by distributing medicines, vitamins, antibiotics, and preparing vaccines.

The second step is to control it so that the oral and nail disease outbreak does not spread further and the virus does not mutate. Meanwhile, the third step is to restore livestock in Indonesia.

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