
TERNATE - North Maluku (Malut) Police Chief Inspector General Risyapudin Nursin carried out the Disrespectful Dismissal (PTDH) of two members who served in the Mobile Brigade Unit (Satbrimob) of the North Maluku Police.

Dansat Brimob Polda Malut Kombes M Erwin said the two members of Satbrimob Polda Malut subjected to PTDH sanctions were Brigadier Marcel Mangkawar Kelmaskosu and Bharada M Ficram Y Teapon.

The procession for the dismissal of the two Brimobda members was directly led by Dansat Brimob Kombes M Erwin at the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters, Jalan Sultan Baabullah Ternate, Wednesday, May 11.

The dismissal of the two Brimob members was carried out based on the Decree of the North Sumatra Police Chief Number Kep/104/III/2022 and Kep/100/III/2022 dated March 31, 2022.

Erwin said that the two personnel who were sanctioned by PTDH had violated cases of being irresponsible to women, so the Police, especially Brimob, had to be responsible for their families, institutions, and especially for women.

Erwin also admitted that apart from the two members, there would be a follow-up ceremony for one member with a case of neglecting women.

"There is still one more that will follow, because we are still waiting for the Skep from the Police Headquarters," he said as quoted by Antara.

Therefore, to all members of the Satbrimob in the North Maluku Regional Police, he emphasized that they must continue to work according to the rules set because every member who excels will be given a reward, while those who are not good and shame the name of the institution will be given sanctions and strict action is taken.

If there are members in the ranks who do good, they will be rewarded, while those who are not good will be given sanctions up to PTDH.

The PTDH ceremony that was carried out, said Erwin, was merely to inform the wider community in North Maluku that the two members were no longer members of the National Police.

"We are doing this to show the public that the two of them are no longer members of the Police, especially Brimob," he said.

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