
SUMSEL - All health care facilities in the province of South Sumatra (Sumsel) are on alert with the threat of mysterious childhood hepatitis. Readiness to respond to instructions from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) through a circular letter a few days ago.

"Health service facilities, including hospitals, health centers, health laboratories, port health offices, must all monitor and report if any (people, ed.) are indicated by the disease," said Head of the South Sumatra Provincial Health Office Lesty Nurainy in Palembang, Wednesday, May 11. .

Lesty confirmed that the mysterious childhood hepatitis case had not been confirmed in South Sumatra. He encouraged all health workers to socialize the symptoms of the disease, which is medically an inflammatory condition of the liver, to the public as part of prevention efforts.

Symptoms of the disease in general, such as nausea, vomiting, severe diarrhea, low-grade fever, thick-colored urine like tea and defecation (BAB) pale white.

In addition, yellowing of the eyes and skin, blood clotting disorders, seizures, and decreased consciousness. "Don't wait for further symptoms such as yellow skin and eyes, if there is a decrease in consciousness, immediately take the patient to a hospital and pediatric ICU facility," he said.

He appealed to the public not to panic but to remain optimistic that the disease can be prevented, namely by prioritizing clean and healthy living behavior.

"Keep the environment clean, don't exchange cutlery, and eat food that is definitely clean. Wash your hands regularly with soap, make sure the food to be consumed is cooked and clean," he concluded.

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