
JAKARTA - General Chairperson of PP IDAI, Dr. Piprim Basarah Yanuarso, responded to the 15 mysterious cases of Hepatitis that began to infect Indonesia. He appealed to parents not to panic and to make sure their children eat cooked food.

"We are both concerned about the existing conditions, but we urge parents not to panic and the media also not to create mass panic because it is not good for the community," said Dr. , May 10.

Currently, continued Dr. Piprim, IDAI in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and various parties are continuing to investigate the disease. Covers the causes such as what and also continues to carry out surveillance and early vigilance.

"IDAI holds a coordination meeting every Monday and at the last meeting, various regions have not reported many new ones from Tulungagung and West Sumatra, but even then the case has not entered the probable criteria, so it is still under investigation," said Dr Piprim.

Therefore, he continued, the steps taken were firstly education about PHBS or clean and healthy living behavior. Second, all parties must continue the health protocol.

"During the pandemic, we have learned to overcome transmission through the respiratory tract through masks, maintain distance, wash hands and so on," explained Dr. Piprim.

"Then it is equipped with how to avoid transmission through the gastrointestinal tract. Consumption of cooked food, avoid contamination," he continued.

IDAI million increases early alert surveillance for IDAI members everywhere in Indonesia to be alert and make referrals immediately if patients meet the criteria are found. For example, digestive symptoms with pale bowel movements and others. Then, if necessary, liver function tests are performed.

"So until now, we and the Ministry of Health are still waiting for the results of the investigation. The most important thing is that we carry out early vigilance surveillance so that cases can be caught as early as possible. Do not let severe acute hepatitis be referred to the hospital, the results will not be optimal," concluded Dr Piprim.

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