JAKARTA - The family did not hear that Lily Wahid was seriously ill. It is natural that his departure after Eid was very surprising. "We didn't hear that he was sick or hospitalized. So when I heard he died this afternoon I was shocked," said Hj. Hizbiyah Rochim, MA, a close relative who was contacted by VOI by telephone at Tambak Beras Jombang, East Java, Monday 9 May.
Hj. Hizbiyah Rochim is indeed going home for Eid al-Fitr to his hometown in Jombang, East Java. According to this former member of the DKI Jakarta DPRD from the United Development Party (PPP), he had communicated with the deceased before fasting.
"Before fasting Ramadan he sent WA to me to apologize for fasting. I also replied with the same words. We also apologize physically and mentally, hopefully we can carry out fasting smoothly. At that time his condition was still healthy, we did not hear that he was sick or hospitalized," said the woman who was born in Jombang, June 5, 1947.

Therefore, he prayed that this would be the best way for the late Lily Wahid. His departure to the Divine Robbi without being passed by any previous calamity or illness. "I hope Mbak Lily Wahid dies in a state of husnul khotimah," he prayed.
Currently said Hj. Hizbiyah, a large family in Tebu Ireng Jombang are preparing everything for the funeral which God willing, will be held on Tuesday, May 10, 2022.
When asked whether the deceased would be buried near the graves of Gus Dur and Gus Sollahudin Wahid at the Tebu Ireng Islamic Boarding School in Jombang, he said it was likely not. Because the location is not possible. "For the burial location near the tombs of Gus Dur and Gus Sollahhudin, it seems that it is no longer possible. The family has bought land specifically for family burials. The location is not far from the burials of the tombs of Gus Dur and Gus Sollahudin," he explained.
In this new cemetery, he said, there were already graves of the late Muhammad Baidlowi and the late Aisyah Hamid Baidlowi. There is also the sister of the late Mrs. Lily who was recently buried there. "So if there is no change, Lily Wahid's almahumah will be buried there," he explained.
The plan, said Hj. Hizbiyah Rochim, the body will be brought from the funeral home in Cibubur to Soekarno-Hatta Airport and flown to Juanda Surabaya, From Surabaya it will be taken by ambulance to Tebu Ireng, Jombang.
According to Hj. Hizbiyah, during her life, the late Lily Wahid contributed many thoughts to the ummah, social organizations, political organizations she participated in and also Nahdlatul Ulama. "He always devotes his thoughts to the ummah, NU, the community, and also the Tebu Ireng Islamic Boarding School. We pray for husnul khotimah," he said, ending the telephone conversation.
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