
JAKARTA - Sad news came from Abdurrahman Wahid's family. The younger sister of the 4th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Lily Chodidjah Wahid or Lily Wahid died.

To the editor of VOI last January, Lily Wahid confirmed that she was not a witness when Ferdinand Hutahaean converted to Islam in 2017. At that time he gave a response when the case of Ferdinand Hutahaean's tweet which led to a legal case became crowded.

Lily said she was not a witness but had seen the former Democrat politician saying the creed.

"The actual witness is not correct. I did witness and there (when he said the creed, ed) there were kiai," said Lily.

"So the time for my shahada was there," he added.

He admitted that he forgot who was there because the procession took place about four years ago. Lily admitted that she attended because she had good prejudice against Ferdinand.

"(Anyone who was present, ed) I forgot, I don't remember. Because it was 2017 but what is clear is that it was the kiai who witnessed it," he said.

"I thought well, so I came," added Lily.

Lily at that time wisely said, as a convert to Islam, Ferdinand had not learned much, so he arbitrarily stated things that did not need to be debated.

"Understood, he is a convert and may not have had time to study," said Lily.

According to him, Ferdinand must learn more before speaking. Moreover, one of the ways of jihad is to open oneself to knowledge.

Furthermore, he said that the polemic about this tweet did not really need to happen. Lily said, God is definitely strong.

In addition, Gus Dur's younger brother assessed that Ferdinand had misinterpreted his brother's statement which contained Allah is Strong, so that he did not need to be defended with violence.

"It is certain that God is strong and impossible (weak, ed). If you look at God's statement, there is no need to defend Gus Dur's statement as a person who understands Sufism. ," he said.

Thus, Lily asked Ferdinand to study again before making statements like this.

"Yes (Ferdinand should study again, ed)," he said.

Lily Chodidjah Wahid bint KHA Wahid Hasyim, the younger brother of the 4th President of the Republic of Indonesia Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur), died at 16.28 WIB at the National Central General Hospital dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) Jakarta.

Lily Wahid's body will be buried in West Covina Blok SH 6/31, Kota Wisata Cibubur, Bogor. Furthermore, the bodies will be buried at the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School, Jombang, Tuesday, May 10.

Lily Chodidjah Wahid was born in Jombang on March 4, 1948. He served as deputy chairman of the Syuro Council of the National Awakening Party (PKB).

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