
TANGERANG - A viral video on social media showing a young man who was arrested by residents for allegedly stealing a Vespa motorbike.

In the video, the perpetrator is bare-chested and his hands are tied using a rope by residents. The perpetrators seemed to scream hysterically after being arrested by local reports.

Balaraja Police Chief Kompol Harry Fitriyono when contacted, confirmed the incident. Harry said the incident took place on Irrigasi Street, Balaraja, Tangerang Regency, Sunday, May 8, at 23.00 WIB.

"He was taken into custody at the Polsek last night at eleven at night," said Harry when contacted, Monday, May 9.

Harry admitted that he could not explain more clearly about the identity of the perpetrator because he was still unconscious, because he was influenced by alcoholic drinks.

"At this time we don't know, because there is no ID card. So now we are still investigating this case. Because the perpetrator still cannot be interrogated, because he is still in a (unconscious) state under the influence of alcoholic beverages," he said.

Now they are investigating the case. He admitted that he had examined several witnesses and victims to strengthen the evidence of the theft.

"Currently we are still investigating by examining witnesses and victims. Later when we get it, we will inform you again," he concluded.

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