
JAKARTA - The results of the autopsy sample for Amis Ando (45), a prisoner of the Satreskrim Polres Muna, Southeast Sulawesi, who died in his cell, will be released in a maximum of three weeks. This was conveyed by an independent forensic doctor from the Faculty of Medicine, Halu Oleo University (UHO) Kendari, Dr. Raja Alfatih Widya Iswara.

"Later (the sample) will be sent to Makassar at the earliest, in two, three weeks (the sample results will come out)," said Raja Alfatih, quoting Antara, Saturday, May 7.

The UHO Kendari independent forensic doctor team conducted an autopsy with a physical examination, then dissected the body and examined internal organs such as the lungs, heart, kidneys, stomach, and others.

dr. The king said that the samples from the autopsy of the late Amis would be sent to the Makassar forensic laboratory, South Sulawesi for testing, where the results would be submitted to investigators.

"This is the progress of the investigation, so we will give the results to the investigators. We will give the written results to the investigators later," he said.

He said that in the autopsy, several organs of the victim's body were taken to be used as samples, including the liver and stomach as samples to be tested at the Makassar forensic laboratory, South Sulawesi.

"There are samples of the liver, we must make sure that the stomach is poison, for example, the heart is not too much," he said.

When asked about any indications of violence against the deceased, he refused to answer. He only emphasized that he should wait for the results of the sample test from the forensic laboratory.

"If there is violence, the results will be in the post-mortem results later," he said briefly.

The process of exhumation of the tomb and autopsy of the deceased's body lasted for approximately four hours, starting at 13.00 WITA and the victim's body was reburied at around 17.40 WITA.

Meanwhile, Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Muna Police, Iptu Astaman Rifaldy, said that his party was still waiting for the autopsy results from the forensic doctor.

"We also had time to communicate with the forensic surgeon, but until now the doctor has conveyed that it is a medical secret which will later be officially published from the forensic doctor," he said.

He admitted that during the autopsy process, he witnessed firsthand that several samples were taken from the bodies of the deceased, but he did not mention which organs were taken as samples.

"While waiting for the results, we don't know when the results will be, because there is a team of doctors who handle all of them," he said.

The deceased was a resident of Jalan Kancil, Watonea Village, Katobu District, Muna Regency.

Amis died Wednesday, May 4 when he was about to be taken to the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) dr LM Baharuddin by members of the Muna Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim).

The deceased is thought to have died on the way from the police station to the hospital at around 08.30 WITA.

Amis was detained by the Muna Police Criminal Investigation Unit on Tuesday, May 3, at around 20.00 WITA on suspicion of threatening cases.

The autopsy was carried out because the family suspected that there were irregularities in the death of the late Amis, so they asked the Muna Police for an autopsy to determine the cause of death.

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