
JAKARTA - Member of Commission VII DPR, Mulyanto, is surprised that the policy of banning CPO exports has not been able to make the supply of raw materials for cooking oil abundant. According to him, if the raw material for cooking oil is still scarce, it is suspected that it will only be stored in stock tanks, not processed.

He assessed that the government's policy regarding the ban on CPO exports would not be effective if producers were not committed to producing bulk cooking oil according to the quota target.

Mulyanto also urged the Ministry of Industry to announce the names of the rogue bulk cooking oil producers.

"The state should not be toyed with by a handful of rogue businessmen and sacrifice obedient entrepreneurs. The government must be open about this, because the public can also impose social sanctions on these rogue producers by not buying their other products," said Mulyanto, as reported by Antara, Saturday, 7 May.

Mulyanto said that the "mbalelo" cooking oil producer deserves to be sanctioned so that this problem can be resolved. This is because cooking oil production is still scarce, causing the market price to remain high above the highest retail price (HET).

"This announcement is important, so that the public knows exactly what the problem is about the scarcity and high price of bulk cooking oil on the market," he said.

"I myself still believe, the problem is not only at the distributor level, but the main thing is at the producer level."

"The latest report from the Ministry of Industry shows that the amount of cooking oil production is still far below the daily requirement of eight thousand tons per day," the DPR member continued.

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