
TANGERANG – Shopping centers in Tangerang City have increased the number of visitors. It is calculated that the increase reached 163 percent compared to normal days with locations that are visited by many, namely children's playgrounds and food hawker centers.

Center Director of Summarecon Mall Serpong Tommy in Tangerang, Saturday, said the number of visitors during the Eid holiday from April 25 to May 3, 2022 for weekdays was recorded at a total of 59,092 people, while on weekends there were 80,118 people.

In the period 4-12 April 2022, on weekdays there were a total of 36,205 people and 64,644 people on weekends.

"On weekdays there was an increase of 163.21 percent and on weekends it was an increase of 123.94 percent," said Tommy, citing Antara, Saturday, May 7.

He said the locations visited by many people were children's playgrounds and culinary places.

"There are still many who shop," he said.

He said that with this increase in visitors, supervision by shopping center officers would still be carried out, such as ensuring the implementation of health protocols.

"We also continue to monitor the implementation of prokes so that they are carried out. The capacity of people in a 'tenant' (tenant) is adjusted to the existing rules," he said.

Meanwhile, Vice President Director of Tangcity Superblock, Norman Eka Saputra, added that the number of visitors ahead of the Eid holiday had increased to 70,000 people.

Various events were provided, such as "live shows", "cosplays" around the mall, and "kids lab", to fashion shows that succeeded in attracting visitors to come and shop at the same time.

"We welcome it because it is a sign that economic activity in Tangerang City has returned to normal. We hope it will be an early indicator of the economic recovery of Tangerang City and nationally in general," he said in his official statement.

As for the health protocol, it will continue to be applied by using the PeduliLindung application barcode, while people who have not been vaccinated are directed to vaccinate first at the existing vaccine outlets.

"For the task force team, since the beginning of the pandemic it has been formed and continues to monitor activities at Tangcity Mall every day," he said.

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