
JAKARTA - China has just asked internet platforms to add control for users under 18 years old, especially for livestream services.

Recently, China asked the platform to prohibit minors from tipping livestreamers or even becoming livestreamers without the consent of their guardians.

The watchdog National Radio and Television Administration also asked the platform to set prime hours and broadcasts to finish by 22.00local time.

Parents should also turn on kid's mode, he said.

China last month launched a two-month-long campaign to clean up the "clutter" in live content and short videos, part of its efforts to promote content it deems legitimate and viable.

A number of popular live broadcasting apps originate from China, such as Douyin from ByteDance (the local version for TikTok), Kuaishou, Bilibili, backed by Alibaba, Huya, and Douyou, backed by Tencent Holdings.

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