
LAMPUNG - Bandar Bakau Jaya Port (BBJ) Bakauheni to BBJ Bojanegara Port will be an alternative route if there is a buildup on the return flow of Lebaran 2022.

"In addition to the Panjang Port-Ciwandan Port route, there are other alternative routes that have been prepared, namely from Bandar Bakau Jaya Bakauheni Port-Bandar Bakau Jaya Port in Bojanegara, Serang," said Lampung Police Chief Inspector General Pol Hendro Sugiatno, in Bandarlampung, Friday, May 6.

He said the alternative route at Bakauheni BBJ Port was prioritized for vehicle users crossing the eastern and central arterial routes.

"This will be prioritized for vehicles using the eastern and central arterial routes, if the red status occurs at Bakauheni Port, it will immediately be transferred to BBJ Port," he said.

According to him, the alternative route is prepared to break down the density, especially on the East Cross and Central Cross routes on return flows.

"Currently, it has been operating for goods transportation using BBJ, if it is crowded we will divert homecomers there and stop our trucks first because homecomers are a priority for this return flow," he added.

He explained that at the Port of Bandar Bakau Jaya, there are 4 ships that are ready to operate with a loading capacity of 800 units of four-wheeled vehicles a day.

"At Bakauheni BBJ Port there are 2 ships and at Bojanegara BBJ Port there are 2 ships that are also ready. So alternative routes have been prepared as an anticipatory step," he said.

It is known that to anticipate the density of the 2022 Lebaran return flow at the Sunda Strait crossing service, in Lampung Province, two alternative crossing routes have been provided, namely the Bandar Bakau Jaya Bakauheni Port, Lampung-Bojanegara, Serang with a 26-mile route that takes 4 hours.

Then the Port of Panjang route, Lampung-Ciwandan Port, Banten with a route of 60 miles, with the prepared marine fleet, namely KM Mutiara Ferrindo VII, KM Mutiara Berkah I, KM Ciremai, KMP Kumala, KMP Titian Nusantara, and KMP Panorama.

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