
JAKARTA - Banten Police Public Relations Head Kombes Shinto Silitonga said, based on data from the Banten Police Bureau of Operations on Wednesday, May 4, there were 68,917 passengers from Sumatra to Java via Merak Port.

This number is an increase of 26,752 passengers or 63.4 percent when compared to Tuesday, May 3, yesterday.

A significant increase occurred not only in the number of passengers, but also in the number of vehicles.

Of the 8,914 vehicles that entered Merak Port since Wednesday, May 4, yesterday, there was an increase of 6,130 vehicles or 68.7 percent to 15,044 vehicles.

"Of the total number, the dominant ones are private cars as many as 9,309 units and motorcycles 4,936 units," said Kombes Shinto in his official statement received by VOI in Jakarta, Thursday, May 5.

Based on records, since D-10 on Friday April 22 until Eid al-Fitr on Monday May 2, 894,063 passengers have been dispatched from Merak Port to Sumatra. The departure was using 1,139 ferry trips carrying 209,440 vehicles, dominated by 112,139 private cars and 69,445 motorcycles.

"Of the number who have departed for Sumatra, during the 2 days after Lebaran, 111,082 people or 12% have returned, so it is predicted that more than 782,000 other travelers will fill the ferry and the Merak-Jakarta route today and in the next few days," said the Shinto Commissioner.

The Banten Police continue to coordinate with the Lampung Police to follow the dynamics of the passenger trajectory from Bakauheni Port to Merak Port.

If Lampung activates other ports such as Pelindo, Bandar Bakau Jaya and Port Panjang, the Banten Police will adapt the traffic flow arrangements in Bojonegara and Ciwandan.

So that travelers who return not through Merak Port can be directed directly to the West Cilegon toll road, not intersect with the mobility of the community to tourist destinations to Anyer.

The dominant backflow arrangement will use the toll road from GT Merak to GT Cikupa will still be carried out with 3 scenarios by the Banten Police.

The green situation is if the traffic flow is normal, the yellow situation is if there is congestion at the toll gate, especially the Cikupa GT, and the red situation is if the density is long enough on the toll road.

"Traffic engineering for the red situation will be implemented by diverting vehicles out of the East Balaraja GT, West Balaraja GT and even other GTs, depending on the situation in the Cikupa GT," he said.

Kombes Shinto informed that the Merak-Jakarta toll road has 2 rest areas that can be used by motorists, namely the Km 68 and Km 45 rest areas.

"Each rest area can accommodate around 100-150 private cars and 100-120 trucks, which can be used to rest for a while if the driver is tired," he said.

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