
JAKARTA - Child psychologist Seto Mulyadi, who is familiarly called Kak Seto, said that vaccination for children is needed as an effort to protect against various risks of disease caused by decreased immunity to viruses.

"Vaccination is important, and indeed children need to be vaccinated. Before COVID-19 there were routine vaccinations such as polio, smallpox, and so on," said Kak Seto in a written statement received in Jakarta, as quoted by Antara on Tuesday, May 3.

Kak Seto who is also the Chair of the Indonesian Child Protection Agency (LPAI) fully supports and appreciates the Ministry of Health for providing protection to Indonesian children through the COVID-19 vaccination.

Kak Seto said that the COVID-19 vaccine provided by the government to the community, including children, is a form of protection against COVID-19 infection in the midst of a pandemic. divide opinion.

"Anyone who wants to convey a narrative related to the COVID-19 vaccine and vaccination needs to coordinate with the Ministry of Health, which of course has health experts in it and is supported by accurate data. In the case of COVID-19 vaccination, the public needs to refer to who is speaking , what is his personal and organizational background," he said.

According to him, the government is a state institution that should be trusted by the public because it already has sufficient foundation to run the program.

"That there is input from the community is welcome, but don't let it shake the community so that it divides opinions," he said.

Kak Seto believes that basically the government has done its best to maintain public health, including children, in the midst of the current COVID-19 pandemic.

He also appreciated the government, doctors, and experts who have worked hard to find the best and suitable vaccine for the people of Indonesia, including for children.

"Basically, I see that the handling of COVID-19 in Indonesia has improved a lot. Even if there are limitations or shortcomings, it is natural, because this is also faced by various countries in the world," he said.

Previously, the Chairperson of the National Commission for Child Protection (KPAI), Arist Merdeka Sirait admitted that he was worried that COVID-19 vaccination for children aged 6-11 years could kill the growth of the body's immunity, including reproductive organs, the threat of damage to eggs, hormones and sperm in the body. child.

Arist asked the government to stop vaccinating COVID-19 for children 6-11 years old until there are evaluations and test results for children who have received vaccinations.

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