
PONTIANAK - In the midst of the Eid atmosphere, Soldiers from the Tactical Command Post (Kotis) of the Border Security Task Force of Mechanized Infantry Battalion 643/Wanara Sakti also celebrated Eid. The soldiers who served at the Indonesia-Malaysia border, Makotis Entikong, Entikong District, Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan, carried out the celebration of Eid 1443 H, in a simple way.

"This Eid, we celebrate it simply at work, away from family, although this year's Eid still brings happiness to the Border Security Task Force personnel", said RI-Malaysia Border Security Dansatgas Mechanic Infantry Battalion 643/Wns Lieutenant Colonel (Inf) Hendro Wicaksono, in Makotis Entikong, Sanggau, Tuesday, May 3.

According to him, celebrating Eid al-Fitr in the field of duty is a pride and honor for every soldier, on this occasion, he invites all soldiers to continue to celebrate victory full of happiness.

During the Lebaran celebration, the personnel of the Tactical Command Post led by the Dansatgas held a halal-bi halal shaking hands to forgive each other, while still adhering to health protocols.

He advised all soldiers to always be enthusiastic, take care of their health, and be full of motivation. Always pay attention to the safety factor and be vigilant in carrying out tasks that will soon enter retirement.

"Although we can't gather with family on this Eid Al-Fitr, we are proud to be able to carry out the noble task of the state", said Hendro Wicaksono, as quoted by Antara.

One of the personnel of the Tactical Command Entikong Post, Kopda, Rudi Lesmono, said that although this Eid is far from his beloved family, he is always grateful. He also remains enthusiastic about carrying out the tasks he has carried out for almost 12 months.

“I am always grateful and happy to be able to celebrate Eid together with other Border Security Task Force personnel in this assignment. Hopefully, at this moment of Eid, we will all always be blessed with blessings in carrying out the tasks from Allah SWT", he also said.

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