
SOUTH SUMATRA - The Traffic Unit of the Ogan Komering Ulu Resort Police, South Sumatra, evacuated a toddler who was an accident victim after the minibus he was traveling in hit two motorbikes while crossing the Central Cross Road (Jalinteng) Sumatra, Sunday.

Monitoring at the crime scene (TKP) in Jalinteng Sumatra Sukajadi Village, East Baturaja District, Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency, a toddler was rescued by Kanit Turjawali Satlantas OKU Police, Aiptu Andi Hendrianto from inside a minibus that had an accident.

The toddler boy had an accident while in the Daihatsu Grandmax minibus with Police number B 1893 EZG with his parents and several other passengers.

"Alhamdulillah, in this incident there were no casualties. All the passengers of the minibus survived, including the toddler who we brought to the OKU Police Traffic Unit Office, did not suffer any injuries", said the Head of Turjawali of the OKU Police Traffic Unit, Aiptu Andi Hendrianto, as quoted by Antara, Sunday, May 1.

OKU Police Chief, AKBP Danu Agus Purnomo, accompanied by Head of Traffic, AKP Sutrisman explained, the accident that occurred on the Sumatran Jalinteng homecoming route at around 10:00 WIB was experienced by a minibus from Java Island carrying passengers to Muaraenim Regency.

While passing through Jalinteng Sumatra, East Baturaja District, OKU Regency, the minibus with police number B 1893 EZG driven by Nur Rahman (38), a resident of West Java, lost control and crashed into two motorbikes from the opposite direction, causing serious injuries.

In this incident, only one victim a motorcycle rider named Jhon Johanda (34) OKU resident suffered serious injuries and was rushed to the nearest hospital.

"Meanwhile, another motorcycle cyclist named Tuti Ferawati (30) only experienced the same trauma as the passenger and the minibus driver", he said.

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