
JAKARTA - Welcoming Eid Al-Fitr 1443 H, PT PLN (Persero) provides convenience for the public for their electricity service needs through PLN Mobile.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo revealed, by utilizing PLN Mobile, the public can take advantage of various existing services, ranging from complaints of electrical disturbances, the need for additional power, new installations, temporary installations, even to the retail side if people need electrical equipment, electrical installation services and services. everything is available on PLN Mobile.

"Customers don't need to bother anymore if they need electrical assistance or complaints. We have also maximized PLN Mobile Apps by integrating our internal quick response system," he said at a press conference in Jakarta, Sunday 1 May.

Darmawan said that one of PLN's efforts to improve customer service is through Technical Service Transformation, or Yantek Optimization. This Technical Service is the spearhead of PLN's service to customers.

This is accompanied by making changes to the culture of Technical Service officers (Yantek) by implementing a digital system and Virtual Command Center (VCC) that is connected to the Yantek Mobile feature in the PLN Mobile application, so that services can be completed quickly.

"In the past, there was no communication room between UP3/ULP with the Yantek team and customers. Customers complained that they were confused about where to go. If they called, the follow-up was not clear. Don't know how to follow up. Now we provide a communication room in a digital system. Every customer is directly connected to officers," he said.

In addition, PLN has also developed a Yantek Analytics performance evaluation system to monitor every officer in the field. Even customers can participate in reviews and give ratings to officers for evaluation.

Equally important, PLN has also integrated all customer service systems so that they can be monitored in one dashboard. Every UP3/ULP manager, general managers, directors, to the main director, can see all performance movements, where there are complaints, and how they are followed up.

"In the past, SLA for every customer complaint, the response from officers took 6 hours, now we can do it quickly. For generation it is a maximum of 180 minutes, while problems with customers or MCBs are a maximum of 30 minutes," said Darmawan.

Thanks to this transformation, PLN's services to customers are now simpler, faster, integrated, easier, and can be monitored and controlled in real-time, even customers who make complaints can monitor the work of Yantek officers to completion and communicate with officers.

"We ensure that we will not sleep if there is still a blackout. We will not go home if the customer is still disturbed," said Darmawan.

According to Darmawan, due to the success of Yantek's improvement, PLN's image has improved, this is reflected in the gradual increase in PLN Mobile's rating on the Play Store which is currently in position 4.8.

"PLN continues to improve services to customers by presenting various service features on PLN Mobile, including token purchase services and electricity payments where transactions can be made anytime and anywhere for 24 hours," Darmawan continued.

Then there are also services for submitting new electricity installations and complaints. Complaints are referred to as electrical disturbances or complaints such as power outages and so on.

Another feature is the Record Meter, where customers can use the service independently without having to wait for PLN officers to come around every month from house to house. The method is quite easy, take a photo of the meter then record the number and send it via PLN Mobile.

Furthermore, through PLN Mobile, customers can also find out and enjoy various power-added promos, starting from Ramadan Blessing for customers of houses of worship and Lebaran Ceria which applies to low-voltage 1 phase customers for all tariffs.

Not to forget, this super application also supports the need for charging electric vehicles. PLN Mobile will notify you of the location of the Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station. Now to find out where to charge your electric vehicle, let's check the electric vehicle feature on PLN Mobile!

For people who go home using electric cars, they can also use the electric vehicle feature on PLN Mobile, to find out the location of the scattered SPKLU.

"As of April 6, 2022, there are currently 27.4 million users with an average addition of 89,398 users per day," concluded the President Director of PLN.

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