
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo requested the implementation of the 2022 Eid homecoming. For this reason, all relevant parties are expected to provide the best service for travelers.

This was also conveyed by the Governor of Lampung, Arinal Djunaidi. He asked that nothing could interfere with the implementation of this year's homecoming.

"According to the President's directives, the implementation of going home should not be disrupted. Therefore, I ask all parties to provide the best possible service so that the homecoming trip is safe and comfortable," said Arinal Djunaidi, as reported by Antara, Saturday, April 30.

On this occasion, the Governor of Lampung said that currently the people's desire to go home is quite large considering that there has been no going home for two years due to COVID-19. He understands the desire of the people to go home, especially from Java to a number of areas in Sumatra.

For this reason, he asked that services to travelers should be considered not to be disturbed by unwanted things.

"We ask ASDP to provide maximum service so that going home is safe and comfortable," he said.

Arinal said that this year's volume of homecoming flow was quite extraordinary compared to the previous year.

On the other hand, he also reminded travelers to be careful on the road when crossing the Sumatran Cross Road or Trans Sumatra Toll Road.

"There is a toll road for travelers to cross. The road is quite good and not too crowded," he said.

He also hopes that the Sumatra toll road manager will prepare consumption for travelers in a number of rest areas, as a form of service to people who are going home.

Regarding the anticipation of backflow, Arinal said he would coordinate with all parties so that going home runs safely and smoothly.

"In the next return, I will directly monitor at a number of points with the Lampung Police Chief and ASDP President Director," he added.

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