
TANGERANG - PT Angkasa Pura II stated that there has been a decrease in the flow of going home through Soekarno Hatta Airport (Soetta) since today.

Director of Angkasa Pura II, Muhammad Awaluddin, explained that high passenger fluctuations had occurred for the last two days.

He said that the last two days were seen as the peak of the homecoming flow by plane through Soetta Airport.

He detailed, that on April 28, 2022, the number of aircraft operating was 1,054 and the number of passengers was 135,000. Meanwhile, on April 29, 2022, the number of aircraft operating was 1,059 with 132,000 passengers.

"Today is a busy day, but in less than two days", he said at a press conference at the Soekarno Airport Integrated Command Post, Saturday, April 30.

He further explained, that the prediction of passengers on the last day of the homecoming flow, namely tomorrow, May 1, will be even more sloping.

This happened because the homecomers had started to move since D-5 Eid.

"We have started since April 22, we are more advanced because of the anticipation of the booming traffic", he said.

According to him, because the flow of homecoming has been sloping, his party will begin to prepare for the return flow. In the return flow, the ranks of Angkasa Pura II anticipate accumulation at baggage collection.

"And anticipation is also carried out for the release of passengers by land. There are several accesses, there are airport trains, buses, online taxis, regular taxis, and private pick-up vehicles", he concluded.

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