
GADOG, BOGOR - A total of 30,826 vehicles were reported to have left the Ciawi Toll Gate (GT) towards Ciawi Intersection which can lead to Gadog-Puncak, Sukabumi, and Bogor City, as of Wednesday morning starting from Tuesday, April 26 in the morning.

This figure is based on data obtained from the Integrated Service Post for the Puncak Resort Police of the Bogor Police, which is located at Simpang Gadog, Bogor, Wednesday.

According to the Head of the Turjawali Unit of the Bogor Police Traffic Unit, Ardian Novianto Ashari, this figure shows the volume of vehicles which is still relatively sloping, ahead of the Lebaran 2022 homecoming flow. There has not been a surge in the flow of vehicles, we both know that there is a suggestion from the government to go home early," said Ardian when he was met at the Simpang Gadog Integrated Service Post.

He said that his party carried out anticipatory steps through KRYD security activities (improved routine activities) to deal with possible spikes in the flow of travelers arriving early, but to this day there has not been a significant increase in vehicles passing at Simpang Gadog.

However, Ardian said that the number of vehicles passing at Simpang Gadog in the last three days was higher than the same period in the previous week. more than 24 kilometers at points prone to accidents and traffic jams," he said, quoted by Antara.

For information, the total number of vehicles exiting the Ciawi GT starting at 05.00 WIB in the morning on Tuesday 26 April to 05.00 WIB in the morning on Wednesday (27/4) counted 30,826 vehicles, while the number of vehicles entering the Jagorawi Toll Road through Ciawi GT was as many as 28,464 vehicles so that the total number of vehicles entering and leaving is 59,326 vehicles.

The Bogor Resort Police estimates that the peak density of Lebaran 2022 homecoming traffic will be at the Gadog Intersection and the Ciawi Intersection area on the H-1 of Eid 2022, the D day, until the D+1, and so on.

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