
JAMBI- The Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) of Jambi Province will soon release a male Sumatran tiger (Phantera tigris Sumatrae) that was caught in a box trap in Nalo Gedang Village, Merangin Regency in Kerinci Sebelat National Park (TNKS).

"For the release of the 10-year-old male tiger by the Jambi BKSDA, it has been approved by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) and will be carried out after Eid 2022," said Jambi BKSDA Head Rahmad Saleh, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, April 27.

TNKS is located in three provinces in Sumatra, but the largest is in Kerinci Regency, Jambi.

Rahmad explained that the Sumatran tiger which was caught in a trap in Nalo Gedang Village, Merangin Regency, Jambi, was observed to be in good health so that it was immediately released back into its habitat in the TNKS area.

According to him, physically the male tiger is in very good condition and healthy so that it is ready to be returned to its natural environment.

The Jambi BKSDA has rescued Sumatran tigers in Merangin Regency thanks to information on the appearance of tigers in Nalo Gedang Village and its surroundings in Nalo Tantan District, which has begun to be received in 2021.

When the information was verified some time later the tiger was thought to have returned to the surrounding forest.

On April 6, 2022, based on information gathered from residents of the Jambi BKSDA set a trap and on April 21.

Then, at around 07.40 WIB, residents said that the tiger had been caught in a trap, so the Jambi BKSDA team immediately went to the location to secure the location.

Currently, the tiger has arrived at the Jambi BKSDA in a healthy condition with biodata, namely the male sex weighing 110 kg, in good health and then the tiger's overall body length is 217 cm, the upper canine length is 6.2 cm, the lower canine length is 3.5 cm.

The tiger's habitat is in a conflict location in community gardens with land status of Other Use Areas (APL) within 1-2 km of production forest (HP) 20 km from the TNKS area while the land cover around the location is in the form of oil palm plantations and rubber plantations.

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