
BANYUMAS - The flow of homecoming from Jakarta that crosses the Jalan Raya Ajibarang section, Banyumas Regency, Central Java, on D-5 Lebaran is still sloping.

From observations at the Ajibarang Gas Station Interchange, Wednesday, April 27 afternoon, the flow of vehicles crossing the north coast road connecting the middle lane and the south lane of Central Java is dominated by vehicles from local residents, both from the Banyumas and Brebes areas.

However, some travelers on motorbikes or using private cars seem to be passing among the local residents' vehicles.

One of the travelers on motorbikes who was resting in Ajibarang, Andi admitted that he deliberately went home early because he was worried about being stuck in traffic.

"I departed from Cikarang after dawn. Thank God the flow of the vehicle was still gentle, so the trip was smooth and fast," said he who was about to go back to his parents' house in Kebumen. Suranta Sitepu said that his party will set up 12 poskos for Eid 2022, which consist of one integrated post in Purwokerto Square, three service posts located at Purwokerto Bulupitu Bus Terminal, Purwokerto Station, and Baturraden Lower Terminal.

In addition, there are eight security posts scattered at the Simpang Tiga gas stations in Ajibarang, Wangon, Rawalo, Buntu, Sumpiuh, Patikraja, Kaliori, and Sokaraja.

"We have also prepared a team to unravel traffic jams," he said.

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