
AGAM - The Government of Agam Regency, West Sumatra, provides an alternative way to relieve traffic jams to Bukittinggi City during the homecoming and return of Eid al-Fitr.

Secretary of the Agam Transportation Service, Syahrul Hamidi accompanied by the Head of Traffic Division of the Transportation Service, Apriwandi Arlius said the alternative road was provided from Padang to Payakumbuh, Padang to Pasaman, Lubukbasung to Payakumbuh, Lubukbasung to Padang Panjang and others.

"The alternative road is ready and the road conditions are suitable for vehicles to pass," he said in Lubukbasung, Antara, Tuesday, April 26.

Alternative roads from Padang to Payakumbuh via Koto Baru, Sungaipua, Bukik Batabuh, Simpang Canduang Simpang Baso and Simpang Biaro. Meanwhile, Padang to Lubukbasung via the Landia River, Simpang Sungai Tanang, Malalak and others.

While Lubukbasung to Payakumbuh through Simpang Panta, Ngarai and Bukittinggi. Pasaman Barat to Payakumbuh through Padang Sawah, Palembayan, Matur, Sitingkai, Gaduik, Kamangmagek and Simpang Canduang.

"We provide this alternative road every year because during Eid al-Fitr the traffic flow is quite heavy to Bukittinggi City," he said.

The Department of Religious Affairs provides signage along the alternative roads. The signage has been put up this Tuesday so motorists don't hesitate or get lost through the area.

"The signboards have been installed by members along the alternative road," he said.

Officials from the Agam Transportation Service also carried out security and road arrangements during the Ketupat Singgalang Operation at the Security Post.

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