
PAPUA - Mimika Deputy Regent Johannes Rettob said there is a need for innovation and genuine determination to eliminate malaria in the region. For this reason, his party asked the lurah and village heads to be proactive in cooperating with the RT to routinely clean the environment which is one of the causes of malaria. "Prevention must come from us, how to keep the environment clean," said Rettob in a press release received in Jayapura, Antara, Monday, April 25. According to Rettob, malaria prevention is the responsibility of all parties to reduce cases. It starts from the District or sub-district. "From now on, the cadres have a big responsibility. The goal is how they can play an active role in working together to reduce cases and eliminate Malaria in Mimika Regency," he said. He explained that the company was also asked to cooperate with the district government in dealing with malaria cases because this greatly affects the company's production. "Because the company can be productive if the employees are healthy," he said. In 2021, for example, malaria cases in Mimika were 119,000 people. So he asked all elements of society to help reduce the case. "This is a tough job for all parties to reduce this case so that we will attack malaria starting from the district, involving all stakeholders, and the head of the OPD (Regional Apparatus Organization)," he said. He added that malaria can also cause other diseases such as stunting which affects pregnant women and affects the growth and development of children.

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