
BANDA ACEH - The Aceh Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) said three Sumatran tigers (Panthera Tigris Sumatrae) were found dead in East Aceh Regency.

"The three tigers were found dead in a snare. The location of the findings is in the PT Aloer Timur HGU plantation area in Sri Mulya Village, Peunaron District, East Aceh Regency", said Aceh BKSDA Head, Agus Arianto in Banda Aceh, reported by Antara, Monday, April 25.

Agus Arianto said the Aceh BKSDA had dispatched medical personnel to the location where the protected animal was found dead. The medical team immediately performed a necropsy or surgery on the carcasses of the three tigers.

"The Aceh BKSDA strongly condemns this incident. We will cooperate with law enforcement authorities to thoroughly investigate the deaths of the three tigers if the necropsy process finds elements of intent", said Agus Arianto.

Agus Arianto said crimes that cause the death of protected wildlife can be subject to criminal sanctions by applicable laws and regulations.

The Sumatran tiger, said Agus Arianto, is a protected animal in Indonesia. Based on the list of animals from the international conservation agency, IUCN, the Sumatran tiger is only found on the island of Sumatra, which has a critical status and is at risk of extinction in the wild.

The Aceh BKSDA appeals to the community to jointly maintain the preservation, especially the Sumatran tiger, by not destroying the forest which is the habitat of various types of animals.

And not to catch, injure, kill, store, possess, maintain, transport, and trade protected animals alive or dead.

Then, do not install snares, poisons, or high voltage electric fences that can cause the death of protected wildlife. All illegal acts are subject to criminal sanctions by statutory regulations.

In addition, other illegal activities can also cause wildlife conflicts, especially the Sumatran tiger with humans. This conflict resulted in economic losses to casualties, both humans and the survival of the wildlife.

"We invite the public to support the rescue of the Sumatran tiger. This support is an effort to preserve protected animals in Aceh Province", said Agus Arianto.*

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