
JAKARTA - Former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) as well as an interview panelist for the candidate for Supreme Court justices (MA) Hamdan Zoelva questioned the way candidates for Supreme Court justices handled cases of conflict of interest between the government and society (corporations). see a case like this," asked Hamdan Zoelva in an interview with candidates for Supreme Court Justices and ad hoc judges for the Corruption Crimes (Tipikor) at the Supreme Court in Jakarta, Monday, April 25. cases of conflicts of interest between citizens (corporations) and the government. Both, continued Hamdan, both have interests. In this case, the government acts in the name of the state's interest, while corporations also act in the name of the interests of law and justice. Hamdan questioned how a supreme judge resolves a case which on the one hand represents the public interest, and on the other hand there are individual rights and interests that must also be protected by law. "When there is this conflict, is there anything that takes precedence?" he asked. Furthermore, the panelists also questioned which judge would prioritize, whether private law or public law. independent attitude on duty.

This independent attitude, he continued, can be carried out by first looking at the interests of the government and the applicant, or those who apply for a judicial review (PK) as subjects who both must be protected in accordance with applicable legal provisions. the legal considerations that will be carried out refer to his competence and knowledge as a supreme judge. "Including the morals that I must be responsible for," he said. .

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