
JAKARTA - Head of the Advocacy and Community Division of the Indonesian Transportation Society (MTI) Center Djoko Setijowarno advised travelers to avoid departures at the peak of the homecoming flow to overcome congestion. said Djoko, based on information received in Jakarta, Monday, April 25. Previously, the chairman of the DPR RI, Puan Maharani, had appealed to the public to prepare for the departure time for going home by considering the best time related to the prediction of the peak of the homecoming flow which would occur on the 28th. until April 30, 2022. In addition, Puan also appealed to the Government to prepare details of community needs and security at crowded points during the homecoming trip in order to avoid traffic jams of up to 20 hours on the toll road and causing casualties, as happened in 2016. Djoko appreciates the appeal. -the appeal. According to him, if many parties call for readiness at the peak of the homecoming flow, people will be educated not to go home together and can choose alternative dates. Djoko also advised travelers to avoid traveling at favorite times, such as after sahur or breaking the fast. also highlighted the implementation of health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 during homecoming. According to him, the 2022 Eid homecoming must continue to pay attention to safety, security, comfort, as well as health aspects and a responsible attitude. health is mandatory. The meaning of transportation is not only maintaining safety tan, security, comfort, but also health aspects need to be implemented from now on," concluded Djoko.

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