
SUMBAR - Arranging the 2022 Eid homecoming travel schedule can prevent potential traffic jams and reduce the risk of accidents on the highway.

Eid homecoming 2022 will be special because it has been two years since returning home has been restricted and even banned due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. "Arrange the trip so that the mobility of vehicles is not so high so that there is no traffic jam," urged the Deputy Regent of Agam, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), Irwan Fikri while leading the Ketupat Singgalang 2022 Operational Call at the Agam Police Headquarters field in Lubukbasung, quoted from Antara, Friday, April 22.

With the potential for a surge in homecomers, people who have the opportunity to return home early should leave immediately so that there is no buildup on the way. fuel oil (BBM) in order to ensure the comfort of the travelers. "The availability of fuel oil must be available so that travelers will be comfortable during the trip," he said. The Ketupat Singgalang operation held by the National Police can provide a smooth journey for travelers. The Agam Regency Government is ready to synergize with the Agam Police in providing security to create a safe and healthy trip.

Agam Police Chief AKBP Ferry Ferdian added that the Agam Police deployed 200 personnel plus related OPDs from the TNI, Dishub, Satpol PP-Damkar, BPBD, and others during the Ketupat Singgalang 2022 operation. Hijriah," he said. The personnel carried out security at 10 posts with details of four security posts and six service posts to support a conducive situation for Eid 2022. "These posts are placed in areas prone to homecoming and tourist attractions," he said.

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