
MAGELANG - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin and his wife, Wury Ma'ruf Amin visited Balkondes PGN Karangrejo, Magelang, Central Java on Thursday, April 21. Ma'ruf and his wife witnessed the beauty and splendor of Menoreh Hill from the Balkondes area.

In this activity, the Vice President also reviewed how the synergy between business entities in this case PT PGN Tbk as Pertamina Gas Subholding and the surrounding community to develop environmentally friendly energy-based tourist destinations.

"In accordance with the President's direction, the government continues to strive to develop Super Priority Tourism Destinations, one of which is in the Borobudur area. With international class services and using environmentally friendly natural gas energy, Gasblock at PGN Karangrejo Balkondes is expected to be able to support the program. Moreover, Balkondes Karangrejo involves the surrounding community, so that it can also boost the village economy," said the Vice President in an official statement, Friday, April 22.

PGN Karangrejo Balkondes recently introduced Gasblock as the newest icon of Karangrejo Balkondes. The goal is to create energy interactions and collaborations, both environmentally friendly natural gas, as well as the PGN Energy Village which is unique, beautiful, and rich in Indonesian culture.

To polish the appearance of the balcony, a new Instagramable icon is presented in the form of a monument, namely the Meter Regulating System (MRS) size G.1600. In addition, Gasblock also presents Truntum Restaurant with classy service decorated with views of the incised hills and the residents' rice fields.

PGN President Director M. Haryo Yunianto stated that his party fully supports the government's program in terms of communal economic development in tourist areas in accordance with Pertamina's ESG commitment. PGN is committed to developing the Karangrejo energy village which can become a benchmark for surrounding villages as a village that is empowered, independent, sustainable and environmentally friendly.

“Natural nuances and local wisdom of the surrounding community are very helpful in the success of PGN Karangrejo Balkondes. Thank God, in 2021 the PGN Karangrejo Balkondes was able to survive during the COVID-19 pandemic," said Haryo.

PGN Karangrejo Balkondes services are prepared to support the priority destinations of the Borobudur Area. The management of PGN Karangrejo Balkondes cannot be separated from collaboration with local residents, where currently the Balkondes is managed by 20 native Karangrejo residents.

According to the Head of Karangrejo Village, Muhamad Hely Rofikun, the presence of Balkondes is very important in the economic development of residents, where before the Balkondes, tourist visits were only focused on Borobudur Temple.

"After the Balkondes was inaugurated in 2017, Alhamdulillah, tourists began to spread to the villages around the Borobudur temple area and for us, Balkondes is a milestone in the revival of the village economy. During 2021 yesterday, the profits reached around Rp 200 million," said Hely. Another positive impact is the creation of new job opportunities that are directly related to the Balkondes and MSMEs who are also blessed by the presence of the Balkondes. There are many products made by the UMKM community in Karangrejo which are also marketed in this Balkondes and are in demand by tourists and inn guests. Starting from chips, to palm sugar.

The collaboration between PGN Karangrejo energy and Balkondes is also manifested in the beautiful landscape of Borobudur and the construction of a 3,900-meter gas pipeline to serve 204 Household Natural Gas Network Connections for residents around the Balconydes. Precisely in the hamlets of Kretek and Bumen.

Furthermore, natural gas is also used as energy for water heater homestays, balconies, torch tables in several locations, and eternal flame torches at several points.

"Energy Village Karangrejo has also been certified which proves that this homestay service is reliable," said Haryo. PGN Karangrejo Balkondes has homestay services consisting of 4 (four) family homestays, 2 (two) couple homestays, and 4 (four) single rooms . Occupying a land area of 3 hectares, Balkondes Karangrejo provides lodging, meeting and restaurant facilities. In addition, Truntum Gasblock also provides Indonesian and western menus.

"The purpose of building the PGN Karangrejo Balkondes is to serve as a forum for companies and the community to improve the economic empowerment of the surrounding community, as well as introduce Karangrejo Village as an energy village," concluded Haryo.

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