
JAKARTA - The South Jakarta Metro Police arrested two marijuana plant dealers with the initials MM and AA. South Jakarta Metro Police Deputy AKBP Harun said the two perpetrators were secured in an apartment in the Bekasi City area, Wednesday, April 20.

"The team explored the city of Bekasi to an apartment on Jalan Boulevard Ahmad Yani and initially found that someone had two packs of marijuana-type narcotics," Harun told reporters at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Friday, April 22.

After securing the suspect, the police also conducted an investigation at the local location. Finally the police managed to find a room on the 19th floor filled with marijuana plants.

"Then the investigators of the South Jakarta drug satres team developed the case. Until finally they got information that in another place on the 19th floor there was another room full of marijuana plants," he explained.

Harun revealed that the two perpetrators deliberately rented the apartment with the aim of cultivating marijuana and harvesting it.

"This matter is that what is sold is not the leaves, but the flowers to be harvested. One stem takes more than 4 months. One plant can only be harvested in 4 months," explained Harun.

According to the perpetrator's confession, they have circulated this hydroponic cannabis plant for approximately 8 months with a profit of Rp. 40 million.

"So the profits are used for their daily needs because they do not have a permanent job," he said.

The two suspects will be subject to Article 114 paragraph 2 in conjunction with 111 paragraph 2 of Law No. 35 on Narcotics with a minimum sentence of 6 years and a maximum of 20 years in prison and a minimum fine of IDR 1 billion, a maximum of IDR 10 billion.

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