
JAKARTA - Iriana Joko Widodo and Wury Ma'ruf Amin along with members of the Solidarity Action Organization for the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet Era (OASE KIM) gave awards to 514 women in Indonesia who excelled in various fields. Iriana said this at the State Palace in Jakarta, Thursday. Iriana conveyed this at the Kartini Day Commemoration event which was also attended by OASE KIM members who are the wives of ministers of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet. .OASE KIM gives awards to women who have contributed and excel in a number of fields such as education, health, social culture, environment, and agriculture. The 514 awards correspond to the number of districts and cities throughout the country. Of the 514 recipients, as many as 10 representatives from some of the outermost, remote areas, and the capital city of Indonesia received the award directly at the State Palace. The representatives who directly received the award at the State Palace were:1. Education Sector. Adriani Bawues from Bitung City; andb. Zubaidah T. from South Aceh District.2. Health Sector. Yovita Mariati from Sikka District; andb. Kristina Sampa Tonapa from the Bintang Mountains Regency.3. Socio-Cultural Field. Sri Nurwati from Sambas Regency; andb. Yuliana Momo from Tambrauw Regency.4. Environmental Sector. Wagiem from Oku County; andb. Kezia Arabelle Tulalessy from Ambon City.5. Agriculture Sector. Sere Rohana Napitupulu from East Jakarta City; andb. Ni Puti Ari Sapta Pratiwi from Gianyar.Iriana Regency expressed her appreciation and gratitude to Indonesian women for their services and achievements in their respective fields of expertise. She also hopes that Indonesian women will continue to be enthusiastic and achieve. "Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, who have come all the way to Jakarta and also continue to excel in all fields. I hope to keep the spirit, the young and the old without any obstacles to achieve," added Iriana. In her report, the Chairperson of the Kartini Day Commemoration Committee, Mrs. Tri Tito Karnavian, said that the Kartini Day Commemoration in 2022 was held to commemorate and continue to raise the fighting spirit of Kartini who has contributed to Indonesian women.

"Also as an incentive for Indonesian women to do real work that is useful for society, nation and state," said Tri Tito Karnavian. Iriana also had a dialogue with one of the award recipients from Jambi province. Nur Aini, a messenger from Merangin Regency, has a maggot business. The maggot is for chicken feed, ma'am, animal feed, chicken, fish," said Nur Aini. "How many years have you been in business, mother?" asked Iriana. "It's been 5 years," replied Nur Aini. "Are there any difficulties in this endeavor, mother?" asked Iriana. "There is a difficulty, the difficulty is the problem of capital, ma'am," replied Nur Aini. "All capital problems, for sure, the governor and the governor were present for their attention, who said they lacked capital, thank you ma'am," said Iriana. The representative of the award recipient in the environmental field, Kezia Arabelle Tulalessy from Ambon City, said she was grateful for the award given to her. Kezia also admitted that she was happy to have the opportunity to have a short dialogue with Mrs. Iriana. "Ms. Iriana conveyed that for me and my friends to stay excited, because considering that we are still young, we are still enthusiastic about doing the best for our country in the future," said Kezia.

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