
JAKARTA – Writing a well-structured and well-constructed press release will produce a narrative that is easily accepted by the media to be used as content in their reporting. The ability to compose and produce press releases like this will encourage the echoes of the G20 Indonesia 2022 Presidency to reach all levels of society who are media consumers.

This was stated by the Director of Media Management, Directorate General of Information and Public Communication (IKP) of the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo), Nursodik Gunarjo, while representing the Director-General of Public Communication Information (IKP) opening the Public Relations Technical Guidance entitled "Building G20 public communication through press releases that are effective and meet writing standards", in South Tangerang, Wednesday, April 20.

Press releases are said to be one of the important "ammunition" in conveying the narrative of the G20 Presidency to the media and the public.

"Because this (press release) is an important one, it should be made with rules that meet media writing standards, both in terms of format and substance," said Nursodik.

Indonesia's G20 presidency, which will last throughout 2022, is currently being highlighted by the world. Therefore, strong and massive public communication which is carried out in a systematic and planned manner in press releases, said Nursodik, is absolutely necessary. This is to win a positive narrative that can add value to Indonesia's role in the G20. In addition, with the narratives of press releases, the public can benefit from the implementation of the G20 Presidency. According to Nursodik, a good press release will certainly color the news in the national and even international media.

As the coordinator of public relations in the G20 Presidency, Kominfo in collaboration with the Presidential Staff Office held a Technical Guidance, one of which was the success of public communication on the implementation of the G20 Presidency.

On the same occasion, while giving a speech, Deputy IV Chief of Presidential Staff for Political Information and Communication, Juri Ardiantoro, added that the G20 PR task is not only to provide knowledge regarding the G20 Presidency to the public. But what is more important is being able to build a strong perception that Indonesia is trusted by the international community, and there are benefits to be gained.

"With a strong perception in the community, of course we expect the growth of public trust in the government and the international community in Indonesia," said the jury.

KSP Main Expert Staff, Widiarsi Agustina, who was present as a resource person at the first session of Bimtek reminded that the G20 narrative that the President wanted was massive communication at home and abroad to build trust regarding Indonesia in the eyes of the world. in delivering this massive communication.

"Especially because most of the G20 meetings are held behind closed doors, so the release is the "key" of communication to be brought to the public sphere. This is the art of making press releases," he said.

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