
JAKARTA - Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas asked his staff to work quickly and carefully in preparing for the implementation of hajj services in 1443 Hijriah/2022 AD after the quota for pilgrims for Indonesia was set.

"I don't want anyone taking it easy, no matter how much experience they have in organizing the pilgrimage," he said as quoted in a written statement from the ministry received in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Wednesday, April 20.

The Minister of Religion has announced that this year Indonesia will be able to dispatch 100,051 citizens who wish to perform Hajj and 1,901 Hajj service officers to the Holy Land in Saudi Arabia.

The departure of the first flying group (kloter) of Indonesian Hajj pilgrims is planned to be carried out on June 4, 2022.

The Minister of Religion emphasized the importance of speed and accuracy in preparing for the implementation of hajj services for the first departure of hajj pilgrims since the COVID-19 pandemic came in early 2020.

"This time we have to make every effort so that the Hajj can run well and smoothly. We may not take leave. We may not have holidays even though other agencies are on holiday. Our time for organizing this pilgrimage is getting closer and limited," he said. The Director General of Hajj and Umrah at the Ministry of Religion, Hilman Latief, explained that the preparation for the implementation of hajj services includes the preparation of officers, transportation facilities, accommodation, visa processing, training of rituals, insurance management, and congregational vaccinations.

In addition, the government must take care of determining the cost of organizing Hajj services and the cost of the pilgrimage and preparing a scheme for placing Indonesian pilgrims during the pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.

"We have prepared the stages of departure. We have set the target that the Minister has conveyed to the public, namely on June 4, 2022 for the first departure," said Hilman.

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