
BANJARMASIN - Deputy Attorney General for General Crimes (Jampidum) The Attorney General's Office (Kejagung), Fadil Zumhana, approved two cases of persecution and embezzlement in South Kalimantan to apply "restorative justice" or restorative justice, namely the termination of prosecution by being resolved outside the court.

"After exposing the case, Jampidum agreed to stop the prosecution process against the defendant in the case of Article 351 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code on behalf of Ahmad Fahrizal and the defendant on behalf of Rahmadi in the case of Article 372 of the Criminal Code Jo. Article 55 Paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code", said the Head South Kalimantan High Prosecutor's Office Mukri in Banjarmasin quoted by Antara, Wednesday, April 20.

For the criminal case of persecution, the Banjarmasin Kejari is handled. Meanwhile, the case of embezzlement was carried out by the Central Sungai Hulu Kejari (HST).

Ahmad Fahrizal is known to have been caught by the law after allegedly molesting the victim with the initials AK, who was his colleague at a liquor party on Tatah Bangkal Luar Street, Kelayan Timur Village, South Banjarmasin District, Banjarmasin City, Monday, April 14.

At that time, the defendant hit the victim twice with his hands as a result of being offended after the victim threw the alcohol that the defendant had offered him. As a result, the victim suffered facial injuries.

Termination of prosecution because several criteria are met. Among them, the defendant has committed a crime for the first time, then the threat of imprisonment is not more than 5 years and there has been a peace agreement between the victim and the defendant.

Meanwhile, the defendant Rahmadi was caught by the law after being involved in the alleged embezzlement of a car belonging to the victim with the initials A. The defendant took part along with another perpetrator with the initials R who is now on the wanted list (DPO) for pawning a borrowed car to gamble in the East Dusun District, East Barito Regency, Central Kalimantan Province.

The victim's car was pawned many times to several witnesses, starting at IDR 5 million and IDR 9 million to be used as gambling capital. However, the defendant Rahmadi had returned the victim's belongings so that no loss was found until the victim had agreed to make peace.

Mukri said that all cases approved by Jampidum had met the requirements for discontinuation of prosecution based on restorative justice by the Indonesian Prosecutor's Office Regulation Number 15 of 2020 concerning Termination of Prosecution Based on Restorative Justice.

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