
BANDUNG - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil appealed to residents who are victims or are aware of the practice of illegal levies of THR ahead of Lebaran to immediately report to the West Java Sweeping Clean Charges Task Force (Satgas Saber Pungli).

The fastest reporting method is through the Siberli application or the Extortion Clean Sweep Information System.

"The closest if the community gets THR extortion before Eid, immediately report the West Java Saber Extortion team, it can be through the Siberli application," said Ridwan Kamil after confirming the management of the West Java Saber Extortion, at the Sate Bandung building, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, April 19.

Kang Emil ensured that West Java's Saber Pungli will immediately move quickly to follow up on residents' reports. Usually, the extortion of THR Lebaran is carried out by a handful of people who do their job improperly.

"Whether the extortion is carried out by the apparatus or mass organizations that should not be reported immediately, we will definitely follow up so that the residents of West Java will be relatively calm," said Kang Emil.

The West Java Extortion Saber Team which has just been inaugurated consists of elements of the National Police, West Java Provincial Government, Attorney General's Office, Regional Military Command III/Siliwangi, West Java Regional Office of Kemenkumham, West Java Regional BIN, universities, and community elements.

"I just confirmed the Saber Pungli team that we have remodeled to be more optimal," said Kang Emil.

On average, this team manages to solve 6,500 cases of extortion per year.

Not only prosecution, West Java's Saber Extortion is also active in carrying out prevention efforts with innovations that have resulted in national awards as the best extortion control unit in Indonesia.

"The innovation is not only in prosecution but also in prevention, which finally won an award as the best extortion control unit in Indonesia last January 2022," he said.

There are also reports of extortion cases mostly in the education sector. The case can be up to a criminal case or employment sanctions according to the level of the problem.

"As many as 6,500 cases per year. Most of them are in the education sector. There are cases that go to APH (law enforcement officials) but the majority are given staffing sanctions according to the level of the problem," he said.

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