
JAKARTA - VP Public Relations of Indonesian Railways (KAI), Joni Martinus, revealed that currently 45 percent of long-distance train tickets (KAJJ) during this year's Lebaran homecoming season have been sold.

"The total capacity of KAJJ is 2,477,094 million tickets. As of April 19, around 1,102,844 seats have been sold, or 45 percent", said Joni in a virtual press conference, Tuesday, April 19.

Joni said, during the period from April 22 to May 13, 2022, KAI provided 2,680 regular KAJJ trips or an average of 167 trains per day.

Then, there is the provision of 770 additional KAJJ trips or an average of 35 trains per day. "The additional train seating capacity is 432,192 seats or an average of 19,236 seats per day", he said.

Then, based on the number of tickets that have been sold as of April 19, Joni said the highest number of passengers during the homecoming flow was on April 30 or D-2 Eid.

Meanwhile, the highest number of passengers will be during the return flow on May 7, 2022, or H+7 Eid al-Fitr 1443 H.

"On April 30, 2022, 67 percent of train tickets have been sold and on May 7, 60 percent of tickets have been sold", said Joni.

Furthermore, Joni revealed that KAI had made various preparations in dealing with the homecoming and return flows of KAJJ passengers.

These preparations include the implementation of ramp checks on railway facilities, conducting general check-ups on train locomotives and carriages to ensure the condition of Eid transportation facilities, preparing locomotives and generator sets at certain locations, and preparing spare parts back-up at the depot, and implementation of maintenance supervision on the crossing by KAI Yasa officers.

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