
JAKARTA - PKS DPP chairman Mardani Ali Sera assessed that the ministers of President Joko Widodo's government should consider resigning from their positions in the cabinet, if they have ambitions to participate in the 2024 Presidential Election. to consider resigning from his position," said Mardani in Jakarta, Tuesday, April 19. According to him, this is important so that President Jokowi can focus more on working and overcoming various state problems. "Give it to others so that Pak Jokowi can truly serve the people, assisted by his full and focused ministers," he continued. In addition to preventing President Jokowi's performance, said Mardani, it is also so that presidential candidates (candidates) really prepare ideas and ideas that will be offered to the people.

"So that if he is elected, there will no longer be a statement: 'The last president left a complicated problem to be solved'," he said. Mardani said that so far there is no prohibition against ministers from competing in the presidential election. According to him, the more candidates, the better the democratic party will be.

But, added the member of Commission II of the DPR, the government must also have a target for achieving good public officials' performance. This is so that it is not just an image for the sake of a good name towards the 2024 stage.

"So it's not just self-image, as if it has succeeded in meeting the achievement target. Even though the person concerned has not succeeded in fulfilling it," concluded Mardani.

It is known that several ministers of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet have stated that they want to run in the 2024 presidential election. Among them, Sandiaga Uno, Erick Tohir, Prabowo Subianto, and Airlangga Hartarto.

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