
PEKANBARU - A total of 45 residents of the Class IIA Women's Correctional Institution (WBP) Pekanbaru, Riau Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office have completed (completed) reading 30 juz of the Koran to the end to get a good reward from Allah SWT in Ramadan 1443 Hijri. Khatam Al Quran started from the desire of the inmates to finish reading the Koran until it was finished, it will continue once a month to motivate other inmates," said Head of the Class IIA Pekanbaru Women's Correctional Institution, Desi Andriyani in Pekanbaru, Tuesday, April 19. Currently, the number of WBP in Class II A Pekanbaru Women's Prison has reached 409 people, as many as 25 non-Muslims and 384 Muslims. The Koran is based on the assessment of their Koran teacher from the Ministry of Religion of Pekanbaru City. "This Al Quran Khataman was first implemented at the same time in a series of enlivening the Nuzul Quran in Ramadan 2022 which was held Monday (18/4) night at the prison," he was quoted as saying by Antara. , he said, will certainly get a good reward from Allah SWT, "said Desi Andriyani. Several hadiths narrate the reward of kindness for those who finish the Qur'an, especially in one day, namely the angels will be blessed from morning to night or from night to morning.

As adapted from, it states that in various narrations the reward for completing the Quran is explained as a benchmark for reward and reward for other actions. For example, the reward for reading one verse in Ramadan or reading Surah Al-Ikhlash three times in other months or special Monday night prayers commensurate with the reward of completing the Quran. So, he said, non-Muslim and Muslim inmates are required to receive religious guidance and provision according to their respective beliefs, which is expected after studying them, when they get out of prison can be used as a means of self-control. "In prisons, the provision of religion is the most important, even Muslim inmates who are just learning the Koran in prison are grateful because after they are released they can teach the Koran to their children at home," said Desi Andriyani.

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