JAKARTA - Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G. Plate encourages state-owned enterprises (BUMN), government companies, and households as well as the private sector to support the use of domestic products.
This, he continued, is a tangible form of collaboration in empowering micro-enterprises, small businesses, and cooperatives and making domestic products part of the global industrial supply chain.
"Not only spending on domestic products from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN), but also the household sector. I invite the public through this event initiated by the Kemenkop UKM as part of the National Movement for Domestic Production Expenditure," he said at the "Showcase and Business Matching IT and Digital Products" at the Exhibition Hall of the Smesco Building, Jakarta, quoted from a press release on Monday 18 April.
According to him, the government's alignment with the use of domestic products has been realized by including MSME products and other domestic products into the e-Catalog of the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute.
Johnny said there were more than 250,000 registered in the LKPP e-catalog until this month.
"The government sided with domestic products and this is an affirmative, encouraged, supported activity for us to carry out. In the LKPP e-Catalog, our MSMEs have registered their products," he said.
According to Johnny, if all domestic products and MSMEs are registered in the LKPP e-catalog, it will make it easier for government agencies to spend the state budget. Therefore, he encouraged MSME actors to immediately register their products and services to the LKPP e-Catalog.
"For products resulting from MSMEs, immediately register in the e-catalog. The requirements have also been simplified by the Head of LKPP from the previous eight stages now, now there are only two stages," he said.
Johnny emphasized that the government has allocated the state budget, especially in the procurement of government goods and services. In fact, the allocation is greater than what is mandated in Presidential Instruction No. 2 of 2022.
"We have prepared the 2022 State Budget for the portion of the domestic product, which is around IDR 16 trillion or more, equivalent to more than 60 percent. Now, we hope that it can be implemented throughout 2022. It is far above the Presidential Instruction, which is only 40 percent," he said.
According to Minister Johnny, so far, domestic products, especially MSME products, have been exhibited by each party independently. Therefore, the Minister of Communication and Information appreciates the efforts of the Ministry of Cooperatives and MSMEs in promoting Indonesian MSME and ultra-micro products.
He said that Kominfo provides support (endorsement) to the Ministry of Cooperatives and MSMEs. Of the 34 million Indonesian MSMEs recorded so far this month, Johnny said 19 million of them had digital onboarding.
"In fact, it has met the SNI standards for certain sectors, it is not as heavy as before. It has become simpler in the context of this alignment, and I certainly provide support to MSMEs, the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs so that the results of Indonesian MSME products are registered in e-commerce. LKPP catalog," said Johnny.
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