
JAKARTA - The Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) will hold a booster vaccination program ahead of Lebaran 2022 in collaboration with the National Police and the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag). That's why we are holding this (booster vaccination program)," said PBNU General Chairperson KH Yahya Cholil Staquf (Gus Yahya) in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Monday, April 18. The vaccination will target 1 million people spread across various regions in Indonesia. Booster vaccinations are held simultaneously for four days starting Thursday (21 April 2022). According to him, vaccinations in all PCNU offices, PWNU, Ministry of Religion, police offices, and at designated NU educational institutions and Islamic boarding schools start at 10.00 WIB. 18 years old. Priority participants are the elderly and have received two COVID-19 vaccinations.

For those who have never been vaccinated, said Gus Yahya, they can also participate in the first dose of vaccination in the program. fasting," said Gus Yahya. Meanwhile, the results of temporary data collection so far, the number of simultaneous vaccination participants has reached 1,130,000 people. This number is likely to increase because at PCNU and PWNU data collection is still ongoing.

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