
BANDUNG - Yana Mulyana has officially become the Mayor of Bandung for the remainder of the 2018-2023 term, replacing Oded M Danial, who died on December 10, 2021.

The Governor of West Java (Jabar) M Ridwan Kamil inaugurated Yana in the West Hall of Gedung Sate Bandung today, Monday 18 April.

In his remarks, Ridwan Kamil prayed for Yana Mulyana to be able to carry out her duties as the definitive Mayor of Bandung as well as possible.

"Hopefully in the remainder of his position, with his position as the definitive Mayor of Bandung, Kang Yana Mulyana can maximally carry out development in the city of Bandung, consolidating all elements of development so that the city of Bandung can progress tremendously," said Ridwan Kamil.

Ridwan Kamil entrusts three things to Yana Mulyana, namely, first, always maintain the fortress of integrity in leadership as Mayor of Bandung.

"Because this integrity will be an example for the entire community and the apparatus under the leadership of Pak Yana Mulyana," he said.

Second, Ridwan Kamil entrusts Yana Mulyana to serve the people of Bandung with all her heart and then has to often go downstairs to see the real problems faced by its citizens.

"Of course, this is an obligation so that the people of Bandung City can be close to the mayor, both physically and virtually," he said.

Third, Ridwan Kamil advised Yana Multana to continue to increase her capacity professionally because the issue of the COVID-19 pandemic, issue 4.0, and the issue of global warming requires adaptation as a leader.

"Towards the political year, of course, political communication must be improved, communication with stakeholders in Bandung is improved, and continue to maintain the vision and mission as long as the leadership is elected by the people," he concluded.

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