
JAKARTA - Ade Armando's lawyers, Habib Muannas Alaidid and Aulia Fahmi sent a subpoena to the Secretary General of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Eddy Soeparno regarding a tweet that wrote Ade Armando had committed blasphemy against religion and scholars.

In a tweet via his Twitter account @eddy_soeparno April 12, 2022, Eddy Soeparno said, "I support the investigation and legal action against perpetrators of violence against AA, but I also support strict legal action against those who insult religion and scholars, including AA."

In the Summons Letter from MA & A Muannas Alaidid & Associates dated Thursday 14 April 2022 signed by Muannas Alaidid and Aulia Fahmi, several points were emphasized:

1. That Ade Armando has never been declared a suspect from the police regarding reports of alleged blasphemy of religion

Therefore, Ade Armando's team of attorneys considers the tweets of the Secretary General of PAN to lead to allegations of defamation and false news/hoax according to Law No. 1 of 1946 concerning the Criminal Law Regulations Article 14 and Article 15.

The moment Ade Armando was beaten by an unknown number of people in front of the DPR Building

The PAN Secretary General's tweet, which is suspected of carrying out accusations, is considered by the Legal Counsel Team to be detrimental and harmful to Ade Armando physically and mentally.

Ade Armando's legal team asked Eddy Soeparno to delete the tweet and apologized to Ade Armando through his twitter account.

Ade Armando's team of attorneys also gave Eddy Soeparno 3x24 hours of time to answer the contents of the subpoena. Otherwise, criminal and civil lawsuits will be made.

On Thursday, April 14, 2022, the summons was sent to Eddy Soeparno through the DPP PAN address and was received with proof of receipt.

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