
DIY - The Regional Government (Pemda) of DI Yogyakarta (DIY) emphasized that state civil servants (ASN) and local officials are prohibited from using official vehicles for Lebaran 2022 homecoming.

The regulation is contained in the Circular (SE) of the Minister for Empowerment of State Civil Apparatus and Agrarian Reform (Menpan-RB) Number 13/2022. The SE was signed by the Minister of PANRB Tjahjo Kumolo on April 13.

"Similarly, there is a prohibition on [the use of official vehicles for going home] also in the DIY Regional Government," said Yogyakarta Regional Secretary (Sekda) Kadarmanta Baskara Aji when contacted in Yogyakarta, Friday 15 April.

In order not to be used by ASN for Lebaran 2022 homecoming, according to him, the DIY Regional Government will ensure that official vehicles remain in the regional government's pool. "There are vehicles in the pool," he said.

According to him, in detail, the Governor of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, will issue official regulations for all ASN in the DIY Regional Government. "Later there will be a governor's circular," said Baskara Aji.

Plt Inspector DIY Sumadi added, in principle, the ranks of ASN in the DIY Local Government are ready to follow the existing rules. However, to carry out supervision, his party is still waiting for the Circular (SE) of the Governor of DIY.

According to him, in the ban there may be local policies, for example, official vehicles can be used within the DIY area but not to be used outside DIY. "The principle of the regional government is to follow the existing rules, currently no SE has been accepted," he said.

Previously, in the SE Ministerial Decree of PANRB No. 13/2022, it was stated that the Personnel Guidance Officers (PPK) in each government agency were to ensure that all officials and employees did not use official vehicles for the purpose of going home, on vacation, or other interests outside of official interests.

In addition, in the SE it is also written that PPK can provide annual leave to ASN in their agency before or after the national holiday period and joint leave for Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijriah.

However, annual leave is given by taking into account the workload, nature, and characteristics of the duties as well as the number of employees in each agency.

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