
PURWOKERTO - Sociologist from Jenderal Soedirman University (Unsoed) Purwokerto Tyas Retno Wulan reminded that direct cash assistance (BLT) for cooking oil needs to be used properly according to its designation. in Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency, Central Java, Friday April 15. The lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Unsoed, added that there is a need for monitoring and evaluation so that the use of BLT cooking oil is right on target and in accordance with its designation. Beneficiary groups and street vendors are conceptually attractive, but in order to run optimally, monitoring and evaluation of their use must be carried out," he said, quoted by Antara. worried about opening pote Thus, he said, the implementation of a simultaneous monitoring and evaluation program from upstream to downstream must be implemented so that this program runs optimally according to the expected target.

"Without intensive monitoring or supervision, it is feared that the cooking oil BLT program will not run optimally," he said. affordable by all elements of society. Meanwhile, public policy observer Unsoed Dr. Slamet Rosyadi said the Cooking Oil Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) program will be able to ease the burden on the community in the midst of rising commodity prices. However, in its distribution, strict arrangements are needed so that there are no crowds of residents considering that at this time there is still the potential for the spread of COVID-19." At this time it is still in a pandemic condition, to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19, strict regulation is needed during the distribution of cooking oil BLT so as not to cause crowds that allow COVID-19 transmission to occur," he said. IDR 100,000 per month for each Beneficiary Family (KPM). BLT is given for the period April, May, June, but the payment is made at once in April 2022 in the amount of IDR 300 thousand.

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