
BATURAJA - Ahead of the Eid al-Fitr 1443 Hijri homecoming homecoming, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has begun repairing a number of roads in Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Sumatra, because they are crossing routes for travelers.

"The repair of this national road starts from the border of East OKU Regency with OKU to the Muara Enim border," said Aldy, a national road repair project worker in Baturaja, OKU Regency, quoted by Antara, Thursday, April 14.

According to him, the road repairs began at the beginning of last Ramadan with a completion target of 10 days before Idul Fitri.

The project work is focused on repairing potholes along the Central Sumatra Cross Road on the border of the three regencies.

This is done to provide security and comfort for vehicles traveling back and forth for Eid this year.

"To focus on repairs, namely potholes and bumpy roads to facilitate the flow of Lebaran 2022 homecoming," he said.

During the repair, workers dredged the damaged road to a depth of approximately 15 cm and will be patched with new asphalt.

Meanwhile, according to Eko, a resident of Baturaja, he said he was happy because road repairs not only facilitated the flow of vehicles, but also minimized the number of accidents due to potholes.

"Indeed, it should have been repaired considering that there are already many holes along this Sumatran highway. Moreover, OKU Regency is one of the homecoming crossing routes, so that repairs are expected to reduce the number of accidents due to potholes," he said.

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