
REJANG LEBONG - The Rejang Lebong Police Team, Bengkulu, arrested the perpetrators of motor vehicle robbery or robbery with the mode of spreading nail mines on the Curup-Lubuklinggau Cross Road, South Sumatra.

The Rejang Lebong Police Chief, AKBP Tonny Kurniawan, said the suspect was the perpetrator of the robbery with the mode of spreading nail mines with the initials Il alias Ham (24), a resident of Simpang Beliti Village, Binduriang District, Rejang Lebong Regency.

"This suspect was successfully arrested by officers from the Padang Ulak Tanding Police (PUT) on Wednesday, April 13, 2022. When he was about to be arrested, the suspect tried to fight back by using a sharp weapon, a knife, so that decisive action was taken," said the Police Chief, quoted by Antara, Thursday. , April 14th.

The suspect Il alias Ham had to be paralyzed with hot lead in his leg.

Meanwhile, Padang Ulak Tanding Police Chief Iptu Tomy Sahri added that the arrest of suspect Il alias Ham stems from a report from SG Sanjaya (20), a resident from North Sumatra's Musi Rawas Regency who became a victim of robbery.

"After we conducted the interrogation, the perpetrator admitted that he had carried out his actions at several crime scenes, spread mines and took the victims' belongings. The perpetrators used sharp weapons in carrying out their actions," he said.

In addition, his party also secured evidence of a sharp knife type weapon and one unit of the victim's bicycle Honda Beat plate BG 4608 KAU, because at the time of the incident the victim fought back so that the motorcycle could be controlled by the victim, but the motorcycle key was brought by the perpetrator.

Meanwhile, Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Sampson Sosa Hutapea explained that his party together with the PUT Police would develop a case of spreading nail mines on the Curup-Lubuklinggau Cross Road to catch the perpetrators.

For his actions, suspect Il alias Ham, who has been arrested twice by police officers for being involved in a number of crimes, is charged with violating Article 365 of the Criminal Code paragraph 1 with threats of up to 9 years in prison.

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