
JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Religion (Wamenag) Zainut Tauhid Sa'adi appealed to preachers not to deliver lectures that contain divisions or caliphate. The lecture delivered must contain peace.

"We also urge in the circular letter for preachers, lecturers, to convey religious messages in a peaceful manner that invites harmony, kinship, ukhuwah and also does not contradict issues of a furu'iyah nature, issues of khilafiah, differences," said Zainut at the National Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Thursday, April 14.

The appeal has actually been stated in Circular Letter Number 8 of 2022 concerning guidelines for organizing worship in the month of Ramadan and Eid during the pandemic. The purpose of the appeal is so that the worship process during Ramadan goes well.

"Alhamdulillah, for 12 days, in our monitoring, this circular letter was well received by the community, the community was able to carry out their Ramadan worship smoothly, mosques were full, tarawih worship, tadarusan i'tikaf and other Ramadan worship could run well and all of that must be ensured. continue to apply health protocols," he explained.

On the other hand, Zainut also talked about the implementation of Eid prayers. The government has allowed it but still prioritizes health (prokes).

"It is also permissible to carry out Eid prayers both in mosques and in the field, but with a note that health protocols are still implemented," said Zainut.

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