BANDUNG - The Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil, confirmed that travelers who have not received the COVID-19 booster vaccine will undergo vaccination when they arrive in their hometown.
"So the injection of booster or booster vaccines will be carried out for travelers who come to their hometowns but have not been vaccinated, the anticipation is carried out at the homecoming destination", said Ridwan Kamil in his press statement, Thursday, April 14, quoted from Antara.
According to him, the West Java Provincial Government is currently mapping which areas are visited by many or become the destination of travelers.
"We're counting the areas where there are a lot of home-comers in West Java, the catch is in the village. So the vaccine is injected when the travelers arrive who happened to escape and haven't been vaccinated with the booster. So they are injected (vaccines) at the place of their return", said Ridwan Kamil.
This is an effort from the West Java Provincial Government to keep residents who are going home healthy and do not infect their families.
"The purpose of going home is noble, to be able to meet parents, but first take care of the potential disease", said Ridwan Kamil.
The number of home-comers during Eid is indeed a lot from the Bodebek area. Therefore, Kang Emil asked Bima Arya the Mayor of Bogor to strengthen the third dose of vaccine (booster).
"On average, those who go home to West Java from the Bodebek area. The arrival of this homecoming moment is directed at strengthening for booster vaccines", said Kang Emil.
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