
KEDIRI - Mayor of Kediri, East Java, Abdullah Abu Bakar, has allowed official cars to be used for Lebaran 2022 homecoming with the consideration that they are more well-maintained and anticipate damage.

"Personally, I am allowed to go home. If the official car is not in use, it must be placed in the right place so it will not be damaged," he said, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, April 13.

He said the official car must be maintained in accordance with the responsibilities of the employee. If it is not used for going home, it is hoped that it can be placed in a safe location and not on the side of the road, in order to anticipate criminal acts such as broken glass.

"The important thing is to take care of it and pay for the gas yourself, it's okay," he said.

Even though he personally allowed official cars to be used for Lebaran 2022 homecoming, the mayor emphasized that he would continue to follow instructions from the Minister of Home Affairs regarding the official car policy for Eid 2022.

"It depends on the rules from the Minister of Home Affairs and what is important is being treated," said Abu Bakar.

Previously, the COVID-19 Handling Task Force issued Circular Letter (SE) Number 16 of 2022 concerning Provisions for Domestic People Travel during the COVID-19 Pandemic Period. The SE is effective from April 2, 2022 until a later time is determined, and regulates the latest conditions for domestic travelers (PPDN).

PPDN is a person who moves from one area to another based on the administrative boundaries of the province/regency/city by using private or public transportation modes, either by land, railway, sea, river, lake, crossing, and air, except in the case of pioneer aviation travellers, sea transportation to small islands, and essential logistics distribution needs.

The SE lists seven health protocols that must be adhered to during the homecoming trip, including using a three-layer cloth mask or a medical mask that covers the nose, mouth and chin.

Then, replace the mask periodically every four hours and dispose of the waste mask in the place provided. Wash your hands regularly using water and soap or hand sanitizer, especially after touching objects that other people have touched.

Travelers must also maintain a minimum distance of 1.5 meters from other people and avoid crowds.

The Kediri City Government also does not impose quarantine for travelers who come to Kediri City, with the condition that they must have been vaccinated against COVID-19 plus a COVID-19 booster.

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