
JAKARTA - There are 7 thousand buses prepared by the Bandung City Government to transport people who want to go home during Eid 2022. Now the buses are being checked for eligibility by the Transportation Agency.

The Head of Transportation Safety and Order at the Bandung City Transportation Agency, Asep Kuswara, said that his party wanted to ensure safety and comfort during the homecoming trip.

"A total of 7,000 buses will be dropped off during this homecoming, which will be spread across the western region, namely Leuwipanjang and east, namely Cicaheum Terminal," Asep said, Wednesday, April 13, quoted from Antara.

The inspection and inspection (ramp check) of the fitness of the homecoming transportation fleet in Bandung will be carried out on Thursday, April 14 tomorrow. It also cooperates with the police and the Land Transport Entrepreneurs Organization (Organda).

So far, his party has carried out inspections of 20 buses at the Leuwipanjang Terminal. As a result, he said, there were only two fleets that were roadworthy for use on homecoming trips.

According to him, this is because many units have not been operating since the homecoming ban was imposed two years ago due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"For example, there are many who have problems with the wiper or glass cleaner when it rains. Even though it's trivial, this is really needed when it rains. Then there is also window film. You shouldn't use window film because it's not safe. Or a broken directional light," said Asep .

Asep emphasized, although this year's homecoming has received the green light, the public must continue to maintain safety. In fact, during this pandemic, his safety must be doubled.

"First, take care of safety with the procedure, don't be complacent. Second, maintain safety by paying attention to the roadworthiness of the vehicle and the driver as well. Don't hesitate to reprimand and report reckless drivers," he said.

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